Computer-Based Vocabulary Learning in the English Language: A Systematic Review


  • D. Regina VIT University
  • Anitha Devi. V VIT University



computer-based learning, technology, vocabulary learning, language learning, systematic review


The goal of this article is to assess the efficiency of computer-based vocabulary instruction in English language classrooms and evaluate research on the usefulness of computer-based vocabulary acquisition, particularly in English language classes. The articles for the systematic review were selected from open-access databases. The present study adopts the systematic literature review (SLR) method to evaluate studies from 2010 to 2020. A total of one hundred and fifty sources were selected and analysed. Finally, forty articles were carefully chosen, focusing on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Computer-based, multimedia and game-based vocabulary learning in English classrooms were the subjects of the study to address the research questions. The findings indicate that computer-based vocabulary learning is a frequent and effective approach to developing retention and learning new words. The study hopes that the suggestion is useful for researchers involved in English vocabulary learning and that, for further research, well-designed experimental studies can develop new options in learning vocabulary with the computer.

Author Biographies

D. Regina, VIT University

Department of English, School of Social Sciences and Languages

Anitha Devi. V, VIT University

Department of English, School of Social Sciences and Languages


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