Effect of Pedagogical Competences of English Language Teachers on Their Students’ Academic Achievement: A Qualitative Study


  • Wali Muhammad Channa Sukkur IBA University
  • Zafarullah Sahito Sukkur IBA University




pedagogical competence, English language, students’ achievement, qualitative case study approach


Teachers play a vital role in education. The academic results are related to the professional abilities of the teachers. Therefore, teachers must possess pedagogical competence. In this context, the objectives of this research study are to investigate the pedagogical competencies of college teachers in Sukkur, Sindh, Pakistan. This study involves a qualitative case study. The findings show that the teachers' competence to teach affects how well the students do in their academics.

Author Biographies

Wali Muhammad Channa, Sukkur IBA University

Department of Education

Zafarullah Sahito, Sukkur IBA University

Department of Education


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