Distortion of ‘Self-Image’: Effects of Mental Delirium in Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury


  • Neil Beeto Jerrin Vellore Institute of Technology
  • G Bhuvaneswari Vellore Institute of Technology




cognition, culture, government, identity, programmed, self-image


The Mountain State Centers for Independent Living states the Self- image is how one perceives oneself. The existence of Self- image is twisted and devoid of human feelings in Bradbury’s future-narrated Post literature universe. It is several numbers of self-impressions that develop over time that creates positive and concurrently unfavourable impacts. In the realm of psychology, Self-image is a pivotal factor in leading a fortunate life. An individual’s impression of himself forms the collective depiction of his strength and weakness. It is quintessential to talk about and compare the Self-image that Bradbury’s era had lived because self-image comprises not only one’s perception but also the intervention of the culture in which they lived. He lived in a timeline with World wars, Nazi book-burning, Stalin’s Great Purge, Nuclear warfare, and the technological development of radio and television. Bradbury found that these elements be disrupting the Self of an individual. This same connection can also be seen developing in the novel, where the government brainwashes the characters and makes them live a pre-programmed life. The interactions between the individuals are artificial and rare; they do not share any sense of feelings or the need to communicate. This diminishing effect of life is the disintegration of Self-image in the novel.

Author Biographies

Neil Beeto Jerrin, Vellore Institute of Technology

School of Social Sciences and Languages

G Bhuvaneswari, Vellore Institute of Technology

School of Social Sciences and Languages


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