On the Translation Topology of Confucian Words in C-E dictionary: Structural Comparison and Feature Analysis


  • Wenfei Hu Sichuan International Studies University




Confucian words, translation topology, topology point/set/field, transformation strategy


Confucian words in C-E dictionaries are significant for language learning and cross-cultural communication, and comparative lexicographical study is beneficial for the analysis of different bilingual dictionaries and especially helpful for the improvement of C-E dictionary compilation. The Feature of Topology in Bilingual dictionary (including topological equivalence, point-set topological hierarchical structure) provides theoretical framework for the present study. After stratified sampling and statistical analysis, the paper conducts comparative research on the translation structure and transformation pattern between Confucian words and Biblical words from translation topology. The research includes descriptive analysis, independent t-test and feature analysis. The findings indicate that the translation topology of Confucian words in C-E dictionaries is featured with simplification and discreetness, compared with Biblical words. Confucian words and Biblical words are heterogenic in distribution, assemblage, relevance and transformation strategy, concerning topological point, set and field, which in turn affects the appearance and reordering of initial event. The reasons are as follows: the difference of compilation principle and the over-dependence on the monolingual dictionary differentiate the language variables, leading to the structural difference in Confucian words of topological transformation. The paucity of parallel corpus changes the structure density of cultural topology set, and forms different transformation pattern and representation validity of culture-bound words.


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