From Neurodidactics to Language Teaching and Learning: The Emotional Approach


  • Inés Lucas-Oliva University of Seville - University Pablo de Olavide
  • Gloria Toledo-Vega Pontifical Catholic University of Chile
  • Francisco Núñez-Román University of Seville



second language instruction, neurodidactics, emotions, teachers education, teaching method innovations


The latest findings in Neurodidactics in understanding learning processes are forcing a review of the methodological approaches underlying teaching practices, including those used in second language teaching. Therefore, drawing on the principles of Neuroscience, Didactics and Linguistics, a review of the central factors of language learning and acquisition is carried out. A new methodological approach to foreign language teaching based on emotions is proposed: the Emotional Approach. Next, the principles of the Emotional Approach are presented, and its most relevant theoretical and practical contributions are highlighted. These include the functioning of neural connections in second language learning and the critical role played by emotions in the teaching-learning processes. Finally, this study provides the theoretical bases necessary to elaborate future didactic proposals and experimental research on the postulates presented here. Implications for research and practice are also discussed.

Author Biographies

Inés Lucas-Oliva, University of Seville - University Pablo de Olavide

Department of Language and Literature Teaching

Gloria Toledo-Vega, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile

Department of Language Science

Francisco Núñez-Román, University of Seville

Department of Language and Literature Teaching


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