Nostalgia and Alienation in the Poetry of Arab-American Mahjar Poets (Emigrant Poets): Literary Criticism to Stylistics


  • Ibrahim Mohammad Abushihab Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan
  • Enas Sami Awad Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan
  • Esraa Ibrahim Abushihab Yarmouk University



Mahjar poets, nostalgia, alienation, and literary criticism


Nostalgia and Alienation are defined as the feeling that one has when he finds himself alone without connection with the people around him. He considers himself as a stranger in the society where he lives. This is due to leaving the people and homelands. This is what happened to Arab- American poets, (Emigrant poets) who leave their homelands and people. The current paper presents Arab- American poets’ longing, deep love, nostalgia and feeling of homesickness for their beloved countries in East. It also shows their adherence and alienation to their homelands by remembering the years and times they lived there. It emphasizes literary criticism of describing, analyzing and evaluating some of Arab- American poems.

Author Biography

Ibrahim Mohammad Abushihab, Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan

English Department, Faculty of Arts


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